Kia Charge Business.
Kia Charge Business helps you manage your fleet's charging, with access to a wide array of public chargers and one-invoice billing for your drivers.
Management Tool
For your Fleet Managers
Mobile App & RFID Cards
For your drivers
Management Portal.
As a fleet manager you get access to the fleet management portal in just minutes. Here you can manage your contracts, charging cards and drivers, and you have all your costs under control.
One Invoice
Per Fleet group
Fast setup
Quick and easy to setup
Daily overview of all costs
Effortlessly manage your contracts and track any changes. Seamlessly import and export your contracts in bulk.
Order and manage charging cards so your drivers have instant access to our charging network.
Assign your drivers to contracts and invite them to use our Kia Charge App.
Charging records
View and download your fleet's charging records.
View, download and pay your invoices.
Fleet groups
Create fleet groups tailored to your requirements for absolute flexibility.
Easily create/delete users to give your team access to the fleet portal.
A comprehensive overview of your fleet's activities and growth.
Charging is possible in the following countries...
Kia Charging Card.
Instant access to our charging
network, all in one card.

Charge with the
Kia Charge app.
Provides your EV and PHEV drivers with access to one of the largest charging networks.

Look for charging stations in one of the world's largest networks.
Customise your search by charging speed, plug type, operator, and many more.
Optimize the route to your destination by adding suitable charging stops along the way.
Export your route to familiar navigation apps on your smartphone and start driving.
Use the app or card to start and stop charging at supported stations.
Keep Track
Track your charging history in a comprehensive overview per month and in single transaction details.
Access information about your contract and activate a new charging card in case your old one got lost.
Stay in touch
In case of any problems, call your fleet manager directly from the app.
Minimum licence duration 12 months.*
Fleet management portal
- 15 Fleet Groups A Fleet group is where you can organize your different contracts.
- 10 Portal users Available user accounts to manage your contracts, drivers, cards, etc. in the fleet portal.
- 3 User roles Roles can be used to delegate different tasks to several users.
App for your driver
- Free app usage for every driver
Pricing *
Fleet service user fee
monthly per active contractIONITY Power (optional package)
monthly per active packageCharging Cards
one-time fee per card
*All prices without tax. The cost of charging and tariff fees are subject to your usage and are not covered in our licence fees. The charging prices and tariff fees depend on the tariff conditions, which can be viewed in the tariff dropdown below. Licences will automatically be prolonged by 12 more months if they are not canceled within the cancellation period.
Please see all of the current promotions we have on offer below. Promotion details are available in market languages.
Offre valable pour tous Kia EV9 neufs commandés dans le réseau de distributeurs agréés Kia de France Métropolitaine du 01/09/2023 au 31/12/2023 et pour la souscription simultanée d'un abonnement à IONITY Power et à Kia Charge Plus. Date limite d'activation de l'offre promotionnelle : 31/12/2024. Prise en charge automatique de l'abonnement Kia Charge Plus et IONITY Power pendant 36 mois dès la souscription simultanée des deux services. Concernant la facturation des actes de charge, les conditions tarifaires Kia Charge Plus et IONITY Power en vigueur au moment de la recharge s’appliquent. L’offre promotionnelle est associée au seul un véhicule commandé et ne peut pas être transférée à d’autres véhicules ou propriétaires. Les formule Kia Charge Plus et IONITY Power se poursuivront à l’issue des 36 mois et feront l'objet d'une facturation mensuelle au tarif qui sera en vigueur. La souscription à Kia Charge Plus et/ou IONITY Power peut être résiliée à tout moment avec un mois de préavis à partir de la fin du mois en cours. Toute résiliation de Kia Charge Plus avant la fin des 36 mois d'abonnement entraîneront l'arrêt immédiat et définitif de l'offre promotionnelle.